Monday, December 22, 2008


So this morning we had a little bit of snow....nothing compared to what we HAD received recently, but enough to make everything slick again. Well....Jim had cleared of the stairs and walkways, but apparently not enough. When Xander and I were heading out for the day, I told Xander, "Hold my hand, it's SLICK, I don't want you to fall." .....Famous last words......because down I went, and I took him WITH me!!!We are both fine....just sore. But when we were half way to daycare, Xander said, "My body hurts." OH! Bad Grandma! I felt so bad. I told him "Grandma's body hurt too!" When we got to daycare, I gave him some Tylenol, so hopefully he will be feeling fine soon. I took some too when I got to work. I wonder if he's going to TRUST Grandma again when she says, "Hold my hand, I don't want you to fall." Hummmmm???

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Aaaaah! I hope you're okay. Those are some steep stairs you have and not just a few. Poor you! The Z boy will heal quick. The older I get.....the slower I heal......I keep forgetting that I do not bounce like I used to when I was a kid.